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Raise the Bar

is an affordable and accessible personal fitness trainer system for female weight training beginners in gyms.

The Basics

This is a project done with other 5 MBA students, establishing a start-up concept for the fitness market in a start-up BootCamp over one weekend.


UX/UI designer

Product designer

Design strategist

Project Length

3 days



Alex McPHERSON (Business strategy),

Rachel QIAN (Design),

Lily CHEN (Fitness strategy),

Gavin EVANS (Business strategy),

JAN van STRAATEN (Business strategy),

Justin MILLER(Business strategy)

As a company focusing on female weight-lifting, our vision is to make our users able to be their most comfortable selves in the gyms and achieve their training goals.



Lily is a 25-year-old gym goer in LA.

She works for an advertising company as a data analyst.


She is very ambitious about making herself stronger and fitter but is often confused about what exactly to do in the gym.

User Research
-What needs to be changed?

User Journey
-Lily's gym routine

A detailed journey map of Lily's experience in the gym helps my team find real & unexpected insights. Mapping out emotions during the workout routine also helps identify areas with big opportunities to improve and things that we need to fosuc on in our solutions.

journey map_process.png
journey map_emotion.png








Pain points

Experience in changing room can be awkward for females who do not feel comfortable exposing body in front of strangers.

Female beginners tend to be less experienced in weight-training. Therefore, they often feel stressed in weight-training areas in the gym because they don't want to look confused and amateur while they are figuring out the machines and activities.

Female gym-goers rely heavily on fitness Youtubers & preset programs to decide what workouts to do and which weights to use. These videos might not provide enough guidance and might not be the most suitable for each individuals.

Fitness trainers are often encouraged by seeing their progress. However, weight training and muscle building is a progress that is not obvious in a short period of time. 

Design opportunities

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Personalize weight lifting plans, especially for beginners, so that they can follow the most suitable programs and avoid confusion when in the weights areas in the gyms.

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Provide a way to track muscle-building process to keep users motivated & confident.

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Provide encouragement to increase customer retention.

"Raise the Bar" System


Introducing RTB

Information Architecture

IA for RTB@2x.png

Connect with RTB wearables

Wireframes & user testing

Low fidelity

Roughly mock up the concept to get user's feedback on the overall idea.

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Untitled_Artwork 16.png
  • "I hate it when registering process goes on forever.", "I want to know in advance how many questions I need to answer."

  • It would be better if "my dashboard" is customizable according to different needs.

  • Some shortcut buttons or one-click buttons should be added to make the process more efficient.

  • Avoid putting too much information on one screen


Mid fidelity

To get feedback on features, flows and interactions involved in the RtB platform.

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RtB launch plan

01 Test and learn

  • Launch leaderboard and track customer behavior in school/community gym

  • Test with digital MVP to gather data from bigger consumer group

02 Track, compare and personalize

  • Launch IOS and android app

  • Target close-to-home cities

  • Acquire customers through targeted marketing efforts

  • 30-50 micro influencer

  • Local gym chains promotion

03 Establish seamless experience

  • Launch wearable tracking 

  • Broaden target group to :

    • ​Other cities​​

    • Casual gym goers

04 Empower customers further

  • Become the platform for IOT gyms

Spring 2020

Spring 2021

Spring 2022

Long run

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