Cosmetic line packaging design inspired by drag queens
User introduction
Who are drag queens?

Drag queens are performance artists, almost always male, who dress in women's clothing and often act with exaggerated femininity.
​They often exaggerate make-up such as eyelashes for dramatic, comedic or satirical effect. Drag queens are closely associated with gay men and gay culture, but can be of any sexual orientation or gender identity.

1. Lack of respect as artists
Although drag queens great popularity and fame in the community, the public lack the knowledge and notion that they are a form of artists.

2. Messiness
The back-stage makeup area is always messy and un-organized. This makes the job even less like an art.

evokes appreciation for drag queens as artists.
helps drag queens have an organized back stage experience.
represents the concept of "going back" and "cycle".
Competitor matrix
Where can encore thrive in the cosmetic industry competition?

Make the brand exclusive and affordable to drag queen community.
Physical packaging ideation
How to make the packagings convenient but special for drag queens?


's imagery
Make-up, ads, posters

Colorful &Bold

If drag queens break the boundary of sexuality, why can’t the packaging break the boundary of 2D and 3D?
's keywords

Logo exploration

A journey to

The start
The first brand name was "YASS!", in which I explored hand-written style.
Maybe it could be written by lipsticks?

Playing with lipsticks
Try lipstick drawings on different media, including on mirrors which will be how drag queen leave a message in the make-up room in a sexy way!

More drag queen elements
Look for more symbols to represent drag queens, their culture, their outfits and their make-ups.
What word do artists on stage want to hear the most?

Play with different fonts, symbols and movements to mimic the excitement in the crowd when they shout out "encore" at the end of the performance.


Realize drag queens are those who always want to be different and unique, the logotype is customized, inspired by the physical semi-circle packaging design and the idea of repeating in the word "encore".
Final logo design

Brand color

Graphic theme ideation

Drag queen element
Use different elements that represent drag queens to create graphics for the packagings.
Design line and block elements to create supergraphics style.
Mock-up & Process

Final Design

Please contact for more about design process :)